Venue | Suburb | Years | Artists | Venuelink |
Venue | Suburb | Years | Artists | Venuelink |
I conducted a weekly survey of the China Mail (1955–61), the Hong Kong Tiger Standard (1962–69), and the Hong Kong Star (1965–66), and I searched headlines in Ta Kung Pao (大公報), Hong Kong Kung Sheung Daily News (香港工商日報), Kung Sheung Evening News (工商晚報), Wah Kiu Yat Po (華僑日報), and the South China Morning Post (1955–65), using the collections at Hong Kong Central Library and the University of Hong Kong.
Nightclub listings begin with an entertainment guide in the China Mail from August 1958. Display advertising for night clubs in the China Mail is sporadic up to that point, becoming more regular through 1959 and into 1960. Display advertising for nightclubs in the Tiger Standard is regular throughout the 1960s. Peter Olaes pens a short-lived weekly column, ‘Where to Go and What to See’, for the Tiger Standard from March to April 1962. Alex Serres’ column, ‘Last Night’, in the Star, which profiles individual night club acts, is a particularly valuable source for 1965 and 1966.