
Book reviews

Bollen, J. Australian Theatre, Modernism and Patrick White – Denise Varney and Sandra D’Urso (book review), Australasian Drama Studies, 74 (2019): 296–302.

Bollen, J. Wild and Dangerous Performances: Animals, Emotions, Circus – Peta Tait (book review), Theatre Research International, 38/3 (2012), 270–1.

Bollen, J. (2011) Australia Dances: Creating Australian Dance, 1945-1965 – Alan Brissenden and Keith Glennon (book review), Journal of the Historical Society of South Australia, 39.

Bollen, J. (2009) ‘Belonging: Australian Playwriting in the Twentieth Century – John McCallum’ (book review), Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, vol. 9.

Bollen, J. (2008) ‘Power Plays: Australian Theatre and the Public Agenda – Hilary Glow’ (book review), Theatre Research International, 33/3: 322-3.

Bollen, J. (2004) ‘Stephen Chinna, Performance: Recasting the Political in Theatre and Beyond’ (book review), Australasian Drama Studies, 45 (Oct): 192-194.

Bollen, J. (2003) ‘The Seventies: the Age of Glitter in Popular Culture by Shelton Waldrep’ (book review), Culture, Health and Sexuality, 5/1: 93-95.

Bollen, J. (1995) Mark Simpson Male Impersonators: Men Performing Masculinity (book review) Media International Australia (Queer Media), 78 (Nov): 77 – 78.

Performance reviews

Bollen, J. (2013). ‘Adelaide Festival: in the midst of death’ (Kreutzer Sonata, Doku Rai, Kamp, Nosferatu, Beowulf, The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart, Ontroerend Goed), RealTime, 114 (Apr-May 2013)

Bollen, J. (2012) ‘Adelaide Festival: the demands on feeling’ (Hard to be a God; A Streetcar; Gardenia), RealTime, 109 (Jun-Jul 2012).

Bollen, J. (2012) ‘Lured to the horizon’ (performance review: Brink Production’s Land and Sea by Nikki Bloom), RealTime, 109 (Jun-Jul 2012).

Bollen, J. (2011) ‘Layering the Asian-Australian connection’ (performance review: OzAsia Festival 2011), RealTime, 106 (Dec 2011-Jan 2012).

Bollen, J. (2011) ‘Transported: between memory and desire’ (performance review: Restless Dance Theatre’s Take Me There), RealTime, 102 (May).

Bollen, J. (2010) ‘The war is on’ (performance review: Stone/Castro Superheroes), RealTime, 99 (Oct-Nov).

Bollen, J. (2010) ‘Murder reverie’ (performance review: The Ladykillers’ The Pyjama Girl), RealTime, 95 (Feb-Mar).

Bollen, J. (2009) ‘Intercultural in-between’ (performance review: OzAsia Festival), RealTime, 94 (Dec-Jan).

Bollen, J. (2009) ‘Romance: excavated and mutated’ (performance review: Australian Dance Theatre’s G), RealTime, 93, (Oct-Nov).

Bollen, J. (2009) ‘Artful reciprocity’ (performance review: Restless Dance Theatre’s Bedroom Dancing and Unreasonable Adults’ Gift/Back), RealTime, 92 (Aug-Sep).

Bollen, J. (2009) ‘The disclocation of European desire’ (performance review: Paulo Castro’s Regina vs Contemporary Art), RealTime, 89 (Feb-Mar).

Bollen, J. (2008) ‘Ironies of the inevitable’ (performance review: No Strings Attached’s Tom the Loneliest), RealTime, 88 (Dec-Jan).

Bollen, J. (2008) ‘Schutte-Lihotzky: the architecture of a life’ (performance review: Robyn Archer’s Architektin, State Theatre Company of South Australia), RealTime, 88 (Dec-Jan).

Bollen, J. (2008) ‘Safe risks’ (performance review: Pilobolus Dance Theatre; Restless Dance Theatre’s Safe from Harm), RealTime, 85 (Jun-Jul).

Bollen, J. (2007) ‘Certain uncertainties’ (performance review: OzAsia Festival, Adelaide), RealTime, 82 (Dec-Jan).

Bollen, J. (2007) ‘War at a distance’ (performance review: Caleb Lewis’s Dogfall), RealTime, 82 (Dec-Jan).

Bollen, J. (2007) ‘Precarious balance and extra-daily effort’ (feature article), RealTime, 80 (Aug-Sep).

Bollen, J. (2007) ‘Autonomy and the emerging artist’ (performance review: Quantum Leap’s Reckless Valour; Restless Dance’s Rebel Rebel), RealTime, 79 (Jun-Jul).

Bollen, J. (2007) ‘The wrong Mr Right’ (performance review, online exclusive: Unreasonable Adults’ The Last to See Them Alive), RealTime, 78 (Apr-May).

Bollen, J. (2007) ‘Working that European thing’ (performance review: Brink Productions: This Uncharted Hour), RealTime, 78 (Apr-May).

Bollen, J. (2007) ‘Love, digital and suicidal’ (performance review: Igor Bauersima’s Norway.Today, Bakehouse theatre), RealTime, 77 (Feb-Mar).

Bollen, J. (2006) ‘Small beginnings’ (performance review: Australian Dance Theatre’s Ignition), RealTime, 75 (Oct-Nov).

Bollen, J. (2006) ‘Dance for the new century’ (performance review: Random Dance’s Nemesis; Australian Dance Theatre’s Devolution), RealTime, 72 (Apr-May).

Bollen, J. (1997) ‘Some things about Compression 100’ in Compression 100, Tess de Quincey & Stuart Lynch (eds), Sydney.